CISD can provide all-in-one services related computer systems for office and factory. We will immediately respond to network, hardware, and software questions and/or failures. Our staff will assist you in solving such problems and provide the best OA environment with 4 languages, English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese.
A) Hotline Support
We provide a designated hotline for enquiries and reports of problems.
Enquiries can also be made by Email.
B)Online Support
When trouble-shooting cannot be done over the phone, we will send our technical staff to your site (Hong Kong / South China area only), solving your problems on-site.
C)Hardware Maintenance
When problems arise due to hardware problems, we will contact our partner companies to arrange for repair work.
Furthermore, we can offer not only sales and implementation service of hardware and software, but also services related to setting up new offices and relocating offices. Please click here for more details.